ARRIS SURFboard SVG2482AC Review

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Hey fellow tech freaks! We have a great product that might change your perception about the whole modem thing as many of you nowadays do not rely on modems. You have a smart tv? Or a smartphone, laptop, gaming console? Just name it as ARRIS SURFboard SVG2482AC is the ultimate solution for all those devices that you use on a daily basis.

With the dual-band system and the 802.11 AC wireless type, this one is one of the best-selling modems out there in the market. No more with those traditional antennas hanging around your house. This one comes with internal antenna that is invisible but provides more than the traditional ones!

ARRIS SURFboard SVG2482AC is DOCSIS 3.0. You might be thinking why you would buy this one when there are 3.1s are available in the market.

Let us tell you something; not all the DOCSIS 3.1s provide you with the best routers, they give you a normal router under the veil of this DOCSIS 3.1 modem! But, this one gives you the best router that is the AC2350. This one is considered as the best built-in router version ever made!

ARRIS SURFboard SVG2482AC has four 1 Gbps ports which give you the ultimate browsing experience. A special feature of this one is that it has two telephony ports that give you high quality voice over service unlike any other modems out there in the market.

One of the best things about this modem is that it is approved for the Xfinity internet plans all around the US. Also, in terms of video streaming and gaming, this one will give you latency free experience. So, this is a great choice for the online streamers!

Moreover, you won’t have to worry about the setup of the modem. The whole thing is so simple that you only require to plug in and play! We bet that there is no simpler and smarter service as this one.

You may now be wondering how to set up the modem in your home. Installing a modem is actually one of the simplest chores you have ever completed, despite the fact that the work first looks a little fuzzy. And it takes hardly any time at all.

The step-by-step instructions for installing the bought modem are provided below just for the sake of your convenience.

  • First, choose a location for the modem that is appropriate. In general, it needs to be located in the middle of your house so that it can serve each corner equally.
  • You may also choose the room where your home office, which contains a few gadgets, is located. This might help you to have the best service without any latency.
  • After that, you must install a wall socket from which your adapter will receive its primary source of electricity. To do it, you can drill holes in the wall with an electric drill machine. Or you can put some heave duty wall stickers to hang your modem.
  • The cable component follows as the previous one is done. You should be aware that your ISP will provide a cable—a coax cable, to be precise—for installation in the modem. The main conduit for the internet is this cable. These cables need to be put perfectly and need to be aligned with the overall setup.
  • To connect the cable to your modem, search for a silicon plug that is either on the front or rear of the device. This portion is almost the same for all the modems and routers. So, you don’t have to worry about this one.
  • If your modem doesn’t come with a built-in router, you’ll need to install one on your own. Simply attach the adapter to the wall socket to add the router, and then insert the pin into the router to provide power.
  • If your modem includes a built-in router, there is no need for extra difficulty. Simply connect it with a coax wire. Most of the modern day modem comes with a built-in router.
  • Once your modem is installed, you’ll see that it has a separate switch (manual). This is utilized to manually start the modem. It serves to safeguard your modem against electrical excess. Because, sometimes your modem cannot take the immense flow of the electricity. That is why there is this extra manual switch.

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Why my modem is not providing enough speed?

There can be many reasons behind this and this is one of the most common issues of the modem users that they are not getting the expected speed. Either your ISP is not providing you with enough bandwidth as bandwidth is the cornerstone of data transmission speed.

Or, your cable is not supplying you well as sometimes these coax cables cause latency in data supply. In both cases, you need to first inquire the reason, and then either change the ISP or replace the cable.

How can I update my modem?

In order to have the best service from your device, you need to keep your modem up to date. It is because there are some facilities that are only available in the updated versions, and these facilities are the backbone of the speed.

So, if you want good speed you have to update your modem. To do that, simply login to the corresponding website provided by your ISP and then download the update and reboot the modem once. Bingo!

Why my device is getting disconnected?

It is another common and irritating issue that the users face on a daily basis. It is like you are connected with the modem but it is not providing the internet. It is normal to be pissed on this.

This happens when your mobile device is not co-operating with the newer updates of the modem or your modem is not updated as per your mobile device’s requirement. So, you need to check both of your modem and mobile device to see which one is having the issue.

How long a modem serves?

Generally, a modem serves you up to 6 years if you use it well. By saying ‘use it well’, we mean that the modems needs to be updated and it should be rebooted at least once a day. It is because, if you do not update your modem, your modem will miss out the premium features and eventually become dull.

The rebooting is required to refresh everything after a heavy use. It makes everything restart.

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